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Botswana 2018

IJSO - XV International Olympiad of Young Scientists was held this year in Gaborone, the capital of Botswana. IJSO - This is one of the most challenging Olympiads in the world, it is held in 3 natural sciences - physics, chemistry and biology. The Olympics last for 10 days and are held in three rounds. Students compete with each other in test, theoretical and experimental assignments. Team leaders and students are present separately. Leaders participate in the selection of Olympiad assignments and their translation, although all participants must be fluent in English. This year, 44 countries participated in the Olympics, which took place on December 2-11. The Georgian team was composed entirely of Georgian-American high school X grade students. (Because the age of participants in the Olympics should not exceed 16 years). hers


The composition included:

  • Lika Glonti,

  • Marim Tsulukidze,

  • Mariam Kanchaveli,

  • Mariam Saparashvili,

  • Tatia Kobakhidze,

  • Alexander Eradze


As in previous years, our team was successful in the Olympics. Georgian team won a bronze medal.

In Botswana, our team traveled through Doha and Johannesburg. The duration of travel by Qatar Airways was  27 hours.

As in previous years, the cultural program of the Olympics was brilliantly organized. The flora and fauna of the Mokolodi and Jvana natural reserves made an indelible impression on the participants.

The next Olympics will be held in Qatar, from where our team has already received an invitation.

The cultural event of the conference was very impressive. Georgian performance was highly praised at the closing ceremony.

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